Hello. My name is Alicia Dorough- Campiglia. I am 37 years old and was born and raised in Warner Robins Georgia. I was always a fairly good student and truly enjoyed my school years. I was always involved with the handicapped and the parapro programs offered at my schools. I chaperoned many Special Olympics in my high school days.
In 2008 I married my first husband. Unfortunately he passed away in 2009. This was due to him being a heart transplant recipient and his new heart failed. It was a very difficult time but I consider myself lucky to have had the time and love that I did. Also lucky enough to have the best Guardian Angel ever.
I met my current husband through my late husband. They were best friends. I know how Lifetime movie that sound but it is the truth. When my first husband passed away his best friend and I were left to pick up all of the pieces and to take care of each other. Her bond was formed when we ended up together. In late 2011 we welcomed our son into the world and in 2019 we got married.
In February of 2021 I bought my husband a motorcycle as we were both Avid Riders and enjoyed having a bike. The bike was something I had been saving up for to surprise him for quite a while. Unfortunately we only got to ride it a few times before it was destroyed in April just two months after getting it. On April 10th we attended my step daughter's birthday party and upon the end of the party found ourselves would one of those rare and sought-after Moments by parents everywhere. We were kid free for the night.
On the evening of April 10th we decided to take the motorcycle over to a friend's house to visit for a little while. After enjoying some time with our friends it was time to leave and we got back on the bike to go home. Unfortunately this is where things went bad. On our way home as we were coming down Moody Road an F150 shot out across all four lanes of traffic and plowed right into our motorcycles. My husband who was driving the motorcycle was thrown up and over the handlebars and into the lanes of oncoming traffic. He received several injuries and spent just over a month in the hospital.
I however was pinned onto the motorcycle that slid up underneath the pickup truck. The driver of the pickup truck was an illegal immigrant to this country and instead of trying to help the people he had just injured he fled on foot made a phone call and disappeared. Walking right past me to head for the nearest phone. The gas tank to the motorcycle that I was pinned onto exploded and caught fire. This in turn caught the truck and myself on fire as well. Due to the unfortunate way the scene was laid out there was no visual sight of me whatsoever. Those first on the scene had no idea that a second person had been on the bike. However thankfully I was eventually heard and found. A by-stander ran into the scene and pulled me out from under the truck and out of the flames. I had been laying in the fire for at least 10 minutes.
After being rescued I was life flighted to Grady Memorial Hospital and I was in pretty bad shape. The list of injuries is far too long to go into but the one that has really changed my life is that both of my legs burnt off in the fire while I was pinned to the motorcycle underneath the truck. I did not become aware until early June and that's when I had to learn that I had lost both of my legs. I also had to relearn pretty much basically everything. Including holding a pen, being able to swallow, speaking, moving my body around, going to the restroom, going to shower and so much more.
I spent about three months total in Grady Memorial Hospital and then I went to a rehab for amputees in Warm Springs. I was very determined and it did not take me long to get back to doing things for myself so that I could come back home to be with my family. July 2nd finally came and I got to come back home at last. After almost four months of not being able to see or hug or hold my husband or child I was finally home and I was beyond grateful.
Ever since coming home I have been busting my butt as hard as I can every day to regain my Independence and to Become the wife and mother that I once was. It's definitely been very difficult, very stressful and very challenging however I will always choose to fight with a smile. I will never go gently into the dying of the light. And I will strive to be the very best me that I can be no matter what pieces are missing.
We cannot control the trauma we will receive in life but we can control our reaction to that trauma. Be in control. Choose your reaction to the trauma. Choose to fight with a smile.
On this episode of DBTD, AJ is joined by Alicia Dorough Campiglia to talk about the last year of her life since overcoming a horrific motorcycle accident on April 10th, 2021. In the episode, she discusses how she engages with young children who ask questions and also how working with people with disabilities at a young age helped her during this time in her life during this drastic change.
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