Nathan Todd, Founder of No Label Defines Me Coaching, helps you eradicate loneliness to create meaningful connections in your life with his program The Loneliness Solution. He authored the book, Empower Yourself: Awaken The B.E.A.S.T. Within. Nathan has been featured in Brain and Life Magazine, Zealist 100, a 2020 WEGO Health Award Finalist, Panelist for Diversability Unplugged, and creator and host of the Disability: My Experience Summit. After being born 8 weeks premature, being diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at the age of 2, and not learning to walk until the age of 4. Nathan realized that the world is going to label you and true success is peeling back the label of someone else’s expectations to reveal the authentic you. Once Nathan realized this he discovered deep purpose, meaningful relationship, and limitless possibilities for his life. Today, Nathan will help you discover what it means to be seen and be heard so you can say No Label Defines Me!